Hey Daddy

Hey, Daddy! Are my orgasms weird?

All the gay relationship and sex advice you can handle, then a little bit more. When you need some perspective, write Hey Daddy! Hey, Daddy! When...

Hey, Daddy! Hooking up is hard to do

Maybe you’re just getting back into dating and sex after a long relationship. Maybe all you ever want is casual sex and booty calls....

Hey, Daddy! Public sex without getting caught?

When the sex goes public, and the little head isn’t having what the big head wants. Hey, Daddy! I can’t get enough sex in public places....

Hey, Daddy! Enough about him, what about me?

When you're dating a guy who's more into his own needs than yours, you can worry about fixing him, or worry about what you...


Joining Heart Change of Season @ The Heretic

Photos: Russell Bowen-Youngblood

Sunday Funday @ Blake’s On the Park

Photos: Russell Bowen-Youngblood

Sunday Funday @ The Atlanta Eagle

Photos: Russell Bowen-Youngblood

Making Your Tax Return Count

Investment Options for LGBTQ Individuals in Today's Market Edited By...